Cross Dataset Search

This article walks the reader through how to use Cross Dataset Search

Have you ever wondered if your organization had more data than what you had access to? Data that could make your job easier or help you get better results?

That is why ClearQuery offers Cross Dataset Search. The user can type in the data point that they are searching for, and CQ will tell them if that object, string, or query exists in a dataset, chart, dashboard, insights canvas, comment, or previously used AskCQ question.

As an example, let’s say the user (JimK) searched for “sku 906760” and ClearQuery provided three results (one gold, one green, and one red).

  • Green means the user has access to the dataset.
  • Gold means the user has requested access, but it is pending approval.
  • Red means the user does not have access.

JimK has access to the dataset “e-commerce” (green) but not to the other two dataset (gold and red) which contain many records pertaining to “sku 906760”.

In the instance where the dataset is displayed as red, ClearQuery allows the user to request access to datasets by selecting the “Request Access” button in the red header. The following request form will appear:

To request access, the user assigns a request label/name (a system generated one is provided), chooses which owners to send the request to, and provides a justification for access. Providing a detailed justification will assist the dataset owners in determining if access is appropriate or not. Once the request is made, the red header will change to gold and the owners of the dataset will be notified of the request. To learn more about the Access Request workflow, navigate to the Access Request section below.

From this screen the user can also easily navigate to Automated Insights (brain icon) or Data Exploration (chart icon) for the corresponding datasets they have access to.

Beyond the dataset search, the system will also display the other CQ features that were searched:

Next to each feature, the system displays the number of results for each category. In above image you can see that the search provided one (1) result in every category except for charts, which had seven (7) hits. Clicking into each category will allow the user to see the corresponding items and navigate directly to them.

Permissions for Cross Dataset Search is as follows:

  • Datasets: All datasets in the organization - unless the dataset owner has marked the dataset as not discoverable, meaning users without access can not see it. See the "Editting Dataset" article for more information.
  • Charts: Permissions based.
  • Dashboards: Permissions based.
  • Insights Canvas: Permissions based.
  • Comments: Comments associated with any chart the user has permissions to.
  • Your Ask CQ Questions: Questions the user has previously asked.

Cross Dataset Alerting:

Following a search, a “Save as alert” button will appear under the search bar, as shown in the image above. ClearQuery allows users to save the search term and be alerted any time matching data enters ClearQuery, with the following caveats:

  • The dataset must be marked as discoverable in the dataset configuration.
  • The user must have access “Owner” or “Reader” to the dataset.

Note: Alerts are processed on a defined frequency and may not notify the user immediately – by default the system processes the alerts every 24 hours.

To create an alert:

  • Select the “Save as alert” button.
  • Create an Alert Name.
  • Confirm the Search Term.
  • Assign both Followers and Owners – note if both these fields are empty the system will not save the alert.
    • Owners can edit and delete the alert.
    • Followers receive notifications for the alert.
  • Select the “Create” button.

To see saved Cross Dataset Alerts and Events navigate to the notification center, the bell icon in the top right corner of ClearQuery. 

If you have additional questions regarding this topic, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact ClearQuery Support (